Dawning. A new series of NFTs

This series are inspired by the first ethereal rays of light that opens the night and give us the first hints of the new day that’s dawning.

I have built the darkness with many colours to make it dense but interesting and tried to colour the translucent qualities of the first morning light. In the dead of winter the dawning process moves slowly, giving me plenty of time to observe and enjoy. This time of the year we dont have many brigt hours of daylight, so when it dawns we feel it strongly, and enjoy watching the batle between the force of light push away the overwhelming darkness. This artwork spring from memories of many beautiful mornings, but one in particular has inspired me and been kept as a powerful memory; We had to travel in the early hours by boat along the coast travelling North, it was pich black outside when we started and got to enjoy the wonder that unfolded outside our window as the day was born. The slow unfolding of the dim ethereal light opening the horizon in the East gave so much hope, the few flickers of light echoed above opened the wide sky. I was surprised by how strongly it moved me, after all it was just another morning. This impression stayed with me, it made a powerful impression of awe, and years later I remembered and created this piece of art, called Dawning. Later on details from this artwork was used to create a new series of NFTs, all foru NFTs holds the original intention and poerful mood. I have manipulated the images to stay close to the inception by enhancing the translusency without loosing the deepths in the darkness and by keeping the ethereal qualities of the first rays of light. This series are made exclusively for The Artling.


Colourful Flower Pots


Colourful Cronicles